Wednesday, August 20, 2014

All Ministry is Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Scripture: Ezekiel 2:2
As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet; and I heard Him speaking to me.
Insights: The second point this week is all ministry is empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Notice that Ezekiel was not able to stand up when he Lord commanded him until the Spirit of God entered him and set him on his feet.  Whenever God speaks with us it is overwhelming.  Think about it for just a moment—the Creator of the universe comes to you, a mere human, and shares His heart with you.  That thought alone overwhelms me.  I am grateful for the Lord’s love, patience and understanding as He deal with me and my slow ways.  In regards to the Spirit’s empowerment think about the disciples for a moment.  These guys were fleeing for their very lives at Jesus’ arrest, but forty days after Jesus’ resurrection the Holy Spirit came to permanently dwell within them.  These men are no longer the same after this encounter.  They are bold, powerful, and unafraid.  They speak before kings and rulers and do not denounce Christ Jesus.  These are the same men, but the Holy Spirit in them changed them forever.  This same Spirit changes us as well if we will let Him.  My prayer is you will humble yourself before the Lord and let Him work in and through you by His Spirit’s promptings.  May your surrender bring Him glory.

1.  Are you presently feeling the power of the Holy Spirit enabling you to do the work the Lord has commissioned you to do?
2.  In what ways are you able to testify to the Holy Spirit’s empowerment in your life?

Prayer: Father, thank You for filling me with Your Spirit.  It is only through you that I am able to accomplish anything in this world.  Help me to never strive to complete a task in my own power and strength.  Mold me into Your image and encourage me through Your convicting presence to always be dependent upon You.  Amen.

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