Friday, August 22, 2014

All Ministry is at Times Fearful

Scripture: Ezekiel 2:6-7
And you, son of man, neither fear them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house. But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.
Insights: The final point this week is all ministry is at times fearful.  There is no command the Lord gives more than fear not.  Throughout all of the Old and New Testaments the Lord is constantly having to tell His children to not be afraid.  It is, therefore, very reasonable and accurate to say that at times in ministry it is fearful.  Three times in today’s verses Ezekiel is told not to fear.  I think it is pretty clear that Ezekiel was a little bit nervous about his assignment the Lord had just commissioned him to do.  The issue is not the fear.  Rather the issue is what are you going to do with that fear.  Are you one who will allow the fear to paralyze you?  Are you one that will turn that fear over to the Lord and be honest with Him and let Him know of your fears?  Or are you the great pretender and you act to the world as if everything is okay, but down deep you are full of ulcers because of your great fear that is eating you up from the inside out?  Beloved, we as Christ-followers need to learn how to turn our fears over to the Lord.  To allow Him to take those fears away and to empower us through His Spirit to accomplish His tasks as He sees fit.  It is not always easy, but it is always worth walking through our briars, thorns and scorpions for the Lord’s glory.  My prayer is you will this day allow the Lord to overcome your fears.
1.  Are you currently facing an assignment from the Lord that is causing you to fear?
2.  Have you taken your fears to the Lord?

Prayer: Father, in all honesty I often times get scared in the ministry.  In fact almost every time a share the gospel one on one I get scared.  You, however, Lord have never left me nor forsaken me.  You have always empowered me by Your Spirit and compelled me to walk in obedience.  I have not always chosen to walk faithfully with You, but when I have, it has always been rewarding and well worth all my personal anxiety.  Amen.

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