Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jesus' Service

Scripture: Philippians 2:7
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.

Insights: It would not have been enough for Jesus to have just stated, “I do not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped.”  In order for those words to be true, action had to accompany them.  In other words, we can say to people all day long phrases like, “I love you” or “I forgive you” or “I am not prejudice” or “witnessing to the lost is vital,” but if we do not put action to those words, then they are just not true of our lives.  Our great example, Jesus, did put action to His words.  This truth is what verse seven is all about.  Jesus emptied Himself of all He had in glory and took on the form of a bond-servant and became a human being.  This act of servanthood was not just some temporary identification with humanity.  Jesus became permanently and forevermore human in His incarnation.  Jesus was not just acting out a role as a servant, He actually was a servant.  Think for a moment of Jesus’ ministry.  He is the one who went to the crowds and taught them.  He is the one who when His disciples wanted to send the multitudes away said, “Let’s feed them.”  His own words in Matthew 20:28 are, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Even in His final night of earthly freedom, Jesus took up the towel and performed the role of house servant as He washed His disciples’ feet before the Passover Meal.  Virtually every time we see Jesus in the Gospel’s He is serving someone.  Paul has already told us to take Jesus’ example and model our lives after it.  So, if Jesus was selfless and He was a servant, then we are to be selfless and a servant.  Beloved, let us do all we can to live out our transformed life and bring glory to Jesus as we exemplify Him to this world.  To God be the glory!

  1. Are you a servant?
  2. Do your actions prove your words?
Prayer: Father, forgive me when my life does not reflect my words.  Mold me into a man whose convictions determine his actions.  Let my life be known as a servant.  Amen. 

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