Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Long for the Return of Jesus

Photo by Ian Barker
Scripture: Titus 2:13
looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,

Insights: Today’s verse gives us the power behind our ability to live sensible and godly lives.  In other words, because we look forward with an expectant hope to Jesus second coming, we are able to confidently live on this side of eternity.  This hope is not just a mere fancy or wish.  It is deliberate.  We know Jesus is coming back and because we know this fact to be true it impacts the way we live in the here and now.  We do not just meander through life wondering what is going to happen next.  We press on with intentionality and purpose.  We allow the Spirit to push us outside of our comfort zone and do things we would normally not do if left to our own devices.  We are a conquering people who take ground and do not live in fear and doubt because we know Jesus is coming back to redeem His own.  This singular fact is a game changer in life.  Or, better stated, it ought to be a game changer in life.  If we really do know Jesus is coming back and He is only going to save His redeemed, then we ought to be out there telling others.  Yet, we know statistically only about 52% of evangelicals have shared their faith 1 time in the past 12 months.  48% did not share their faith AT ALL!  Of those 52%, Barna did not share how many shared the gospel more than once, but the underlying current of the article was not many.  The sad reality is we have a faith of theory and not a faith of fact.  We then wonder why 90% of our churches are in decline or stagnant.  It is because for many, we do not know Jesus is coming back, but rather wish He is coming back.  There was in Barna’s article a bright hope, however, and that was the Millennial generation.  65% or nearly 2/3rds of Millennials shared the gospel in the past 12 months.  They are the highest percentage generationally speaking of those who share their faith.  They may have the lowest number of believers in their age demographic, but of those who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior, they are truly committed.  They know He is coming again and they want as many people to go with them as they can.  Here is the link to the Barna research: Is Evangelism Going Out of Style? https://www.barna.org/barna-update/faith-spirituality/648-is-evangelism-going-out-of-style#.VwKlaqeUaSh.twitter

1. When you think about Jesus’ return, what do you visualize that moment being like?
2. If Jesus’ return was today, would all of your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and acquaintances be with you?

Prayer: Father, increase my faith to be intentional about telling others about Jesus and His amazing love.  I long for the day of Jesus’ return, but am apprehensive because of the lostness surrounding me.  Grant me boldness to share my faith.  Amen.

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