Monday, April 25, 2016

Choose Your Partners Wisely

Photo by Sheri Hall
Scripture: Titus 3:12a & 13a
When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, . . . Diligently help Zenas the lawyer and Apollo

Insights: The Bible is a very practical book.  There are times in which we get to portions of a letter and we think, “What can I learn from this section?”  Today’s verses may fall into that kind of category, but I think there is a lot we can learn from it.  We don’t really know who these four men truly are.  We know some things about them from other passages of the Bible, but not really anything of substance.  What we do know is they were useful to Paul for the advancement of the gospel.  Paul, if you will, had partnered with these individuals for the glory of God to be proclaimed to a lost world in need of a Savior.  I find this reality to be very practical and helpful to us.  Let’s look at it for a moment from a business standpoint.  To use language from Jim Collins’ Good to Great we need to get the right people on the bus and in the right seats on that bus.  It is for this reason many companies have potential employee’s fill out a Myers Briggs assessment or Tom Rath’s Strength Finders assessment.  They are trying to determine if this potential partnership is going to be a good match for each party involved.  Good churches also do something similar to this in their new members class.  They offer a spiritual gift assessment.  The reason they do this is to help find the place in which a person can do ministry in the local church based on their giftedness.  Here is the point I am trying to help you understand.  We have to partner with people on a regular basis and we need wisdom and discernment in order to join these partnerships.  We need to first seek the Lord and determine from Him if this is the correct path we need to take regarding these partnerships.  May you be blessed as you seek the Lord and His wisdom to make godly choices regarding partnerships.

1. With whom have your partnered in this life?
2. Have there been partnerships you ought to have joined and did not?  If so, what lessons did you learn from that experience?

Prayer: Father, in this world people bid for our time on a daily basis.  With some of these interactions we need to do more and actually partner with those individuals.  Grant me wisdom and discernment today to know I am making proper partnerships in my life.  Amen.

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