Monday, February 22, 2016

Hunger for God's Word

Photo provided by Marcelino Rapayla Jr.
Scripture: Acts 13:42
As Paul and Barnabas were going out, the people kept begging that these things might be spoken to them the next Sabbath.

Insights: You will recall from last week that in the preceding verses Paul taught the group of people from their very own history after the Scriptures had been read.  In other words, Paul preached from their “Bible,” the Old Testament.  I mention this because of the peoples response in today’s verse.  They kept begging Paul to come back the following week and to teach them some more.  With what is Paul going to teach them?  The very thing he taught them with that week, the Old Testament Scriptures.  I was at the Renegade Pastor’s Conference last week.  I cannot recall which speaker discussed this point, nor do I recall the exact numbers, but they went something like this (please remember, not exact, but close).  Over 50% of the average “Christians” read their Bible one day or less a week, but if a believer will read the Bible at least four days a week, there will be evidential growth in the person life.  I emphasize this point because if you are one who is reading the Bible just one day a week, all you have to do is add at three more days and you will begin to show evidential growth in your personal life with the Lord.  Now, please understand, I am also a pastor.  I think you ought to strive for seven days a week, but my biggest desire is for you to start spending more time in the Word and to grow in your relationship with the Lord.  I desire for you to have an insatiable hunger for God’s Word and desire to read It every chance you get.  Many of these people in today’s verse were so gripped by the teaching of Paul and his exposition of the Scriptures that they hungered for more of It.  Beloved, it is my prayer this would be your heart beat as well.  At FBC Bowling Green, our ladies (and if you would like to bring a guest lady, that would be fine as well) have an opportunity to get into a Beth Moore Bible study at Lori Bromley’s house at 6:00 p.m.  This study is on 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  My wife has gone through many of these and I know the course material is written in such a fashion you will be in God’s Word at least five days a week.  For you ladies, tonight might just be your jumping off point to spend more time in God’s Word.  Let me encourage you to attend, it is not too late.  Men, the Men’s Ministry just recently finished Chasing Daylight.  They will be resuming soon with another Bible study.  Let me encourage you to join it and start getting more involved in God’s Word.

1. How many days a week do you read the Bible?
2. Would you describe your reading habit as one of an insatiable hunger for God’s Word?

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word.  May I daily feast on Your Word and grow in Your grace as a result of our intimate time together.  Amen.

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