Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hunger for Fellowship

Photo by Eugene Phoen
Scripture: Acts 13:43a-b
Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and of the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas

Insights: Notice that some of these individuals longed for more time with Paul and Barnabas right then and there.  They were not content to wait a week to hear more from Paul.  I think there are two reasons for this hunger to follow Paul and Barnabas.  Firstly, they really were hungry for the Word which we discussed the past two days.  I think, however, there was a second reason as well.  They also had a hunger for fellowship with Paul and Barnabas.  I think there is a natural longing to be with individuals with whom our spirit resonates.  Jesus said it this way to his followers, “By this all men will know you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35).”  When we have encountered Jesus and have surrendered out lives to Him by receiving Him as Lord and Savior, then we are promised that the Holy Spirit will come and reside within us.  When we have the Holy Spirit living within us, then we will have a supernatural love for people.  This love will be for all people, but there is, in my opinion, a special bond of unity found among fellow believers.  The reason for this special bond of love and unity is because we are a part of the same family.  We are all co-heirs with Jesus.  We are children of God’s household.  As a result, there is a natural bonding and longing among believers to be with other believers (at least there ought to be).  Because of this longing, we can see why Jesus said what He did.  Our world sees people fussing and feuding with each other all the time.  Christ-followers, however, are supposed to be different.  We are to be driven by love and unity which is expressed in fellowship.  So, these individuals in today’s verse are being drawn to Paul and Barnabas.  I think part of this reason is the Holy Spirit is drawing them to Himself and soon this particular group of people are going to be born again.  Beloved, we in the church need to put aside our differences and our preferences and start putting on the love of Christ.  We need to start showing and demonstrating, especially at FBC Bowling Green, that family truly is a core value that drives our church.  FBCBG family, we have an upcoming quarterly meal on March 6 immediately following the morning worship service in which we can show this kind of fellowship and love toward one another.  Let me encourage you to come and share in the bond of love with our brothers and sisters.

1. Do you enjoy spending time with the body of Christ in fellowship?
2. In what ways can you help cultivate a climate of fellowship?

Prayer: Father, thank You for the gift of my real family, the body of Christ.  May I grow deeper in intimacy with them and may others truly know we are Your children by our love for one another.  Amen.

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