Thursday, February 18, 2016

Are You the Best of the Best?

There are five types of people.  The third type was discussed yesterday and was the individual who had God on the front burner of their life, but they were still on the back burner.  Today we are going to examine the fourth type of person.  As a reminder, I am not going to discuss the fifth type this week.  The fifth type is the hurt or wounded person and this person can be found in any of the preceding four locations we have been discussing.  Rather, tomorrow, I am going share some suggestions from Jeff Kisiah as to how to move people along this process of discipleship.

The fourth type of person is one who is not even on the stove.  This person has truly centered their life around the Lord God and He is Lord and Savior of their life.  This person is humble in attitude.  This person is pliable in the hands of the Father.  This person is willing to say, “Yes, Lord, yes, to Your will and Your ways.”  They are actively and intentionally trying to find ways to take people along this journey of faith.  They have friends in all of the three preceding categories and with each one of them they are purposefully trying to move them along this growth process.

It would be a very safe position to say this group of people is the least represented in the church, but at the same time, the group that ought to be the largest.  The body of Christ is to be a growing community of servant leaders.  We ought to never be content to remain where we are and think we have arrived for Jesus.  There are too many lost people in this world and we are commissioned to reach them.

If you are type four person, in what ways are you discipline the people in the previous three categories?  If you are not a type four person, but would like to be one one day, then what do you think you need to do to find a mentor who could walk this journey of faith out with you?

If you would like to join this conversation, please feel free to respond in the comment section and maybe we can all grow together on this faith journey.

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