Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You are to Love Your Children

Scripture: Malachi 4:6a
He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers,

Insights: In the fist part of verse six we see the second primary purpose of parents and that is to love your child(ren).  We live in a society that has increasingly lost its love.  I use that phraseology because we first lost our love for the Lord and it has increased to our lose of love for humanity.  It is my opinion that the Lord knew this to be true of people and it is for this reason He admonishes us in this first half of the verse to love our children.  One of the reasons for this earthly love between parents and their child(ren) is because if it is done properly, it helps the child(ren) recognize the Father’s love for them as they grow older.  The second reason the Lord desires for parents to love their child(ren) is because of the last part of verse six, which we will look at tomorrow.  Beloved, let me encourage you to truly love your child(ren).  One of the things that boggles my mind is people who claimed they wanted children until they got them.  Then every bit of their attitude points to the fact that the children are an inconvenience.  God forgive us if we ever get to that kind of attitude.  Let us truly love our kids and may they one day see the love of God for themselves.  Hopefully, our love for them will have been a catalyst for their recognition of God’s love.

1.  Are you loving your child(ren)?
2.  In what ways to you express this love to them specifically?

Prayer: Father, don’t let me take for granted the seriousness of loving my child(ren).  Let me, by Your mercy, display affection to them as You have done for me.  Let my love for them point them to the Love You have for them as well and let Your love transform their lives.  Amen.

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