Thursday, September 18, 2014

God Intends for Purpose to Result from the Rebuilding

Scripture: Haggai 2:23
‘On that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you,’” declares the Lord of hosts.
Insights: In today’s verse we see the third part of God’s rebuilding program of His temple.  Now remember this book was written about a literal temple that was about to be built, but I am using these same principles to apply to our spiritual lives.  We, if we are indeed born again, are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  He dwells within us.  This last part of the rebuilding program is to let us know that God intends for His rebuilding to result in some kind of purpose.  In Haggai’s day, God commissioned Zerubbabel for a task.  The Lord tells him that he is going to be like His signet ring.  In other words, the king would use his signet ring to authenticate his edicts of law and his orders of military command.  He also used this ring to announce his correspondence to others.  The point is that whether the king was authenticating, ordering or announcing something he had a distinct purpose every time he used his signet ring.  God is telling Zerubbabel that He has a specific task for him to complete and God is the authorizing the work to be done.  Beloved, the Lord does the same thing for all of His children who are born again.  We were not saved to sit in our pews and grow fat and happy.  We were saved to serve Him and to bring honor, glory and praise to Him.  Many of us serve, but we do it with a heart that is not rejoicing, but capitulating instead.  Our service ought to be with our whole heart and with joy at the prospect of pointing other people to our gracious Savior.  Beloved, let us serve Him well because He has a purpose for our lives.  Seek Him with all of your heart and He will reveal His commission to you.
1.  In what task has the Lord commissioned you to participate?
2.  Are you performing your responsibilities as unto the Lord or begrudgingly?

Prayer: Father, You are the One who commissions me to service and I am grateful.  Let me serve You in such a fashion that You are brought glory.  Amen.

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