Tuesday, February 28, 2017

God's Gifts Enable the Church to Work

Photo by Jasper Visser
Scripture: Ephesians 4:12
for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;

Insights: I loved my father while he was alive on this planet.  I miss him still as days have turned into years since his home going.  I mention him because he and my mother instilled within in me and my brothers a lifelong attribute of being workers.  Each of us work long hours and when we get home the work often times does not stop.  As I evaluate the world, I find this singular characteristic is becoming harder and harder to find.  People do not have the same drive to work and sacrifice as in history past.  This truth is also just as real within the organism we call the church.  I look back at my early years and it was the men of the church who sacrificed their time in order to do many of the building projects.  Today, we would rather take up an offering and let a contractor do the work.  I fear this pattern has also crept into other areas of church life.  We want our children to have great programs, but we do not want to work in those departments.  As a result, we have overworked volunteers who get themselves burned out and they stop teaching effectively and then they quit.  At some point we also started using lines like, “That’s what we pay the pastor for.”  Beloved, look at the verse today.  The reason the Lord gives us gifts is so the body of Christ could be equipped for the work of service.  We are to work in order to build up the body of Christ.  Take a few moments to evaluate your life and work in the church.  It is my prayer you are a worker and not a pew warmer.  It is my hope you would desire to grow in maturity to be a faithfully committed follower of Jesus who works to make the body stronger.  Paul tells us in Colossians 3:23 to do whatever we do as unto the Lord.  Let our work point others to Jesus.

1. Would those around you classify you as being a worker?
2. Do you find pleasure in working?

Prayer: Father, there are times it is difficult to work, but You are the One who designed and created work.  You have enabled me to work and for this reality I am grateful.  May my work honor You.  Amen.

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