Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Progress Must be Evaluated

Photo by World Bank Photo Collection
Scripture: Acts 13:51
But they shook off the dust of their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium.

Insights: The first two blogs this week have dealt with progress and regress.  Today, we are dealing with the same subject matter, but from a different vantage point.  Today we are discussing the need to evaluate our work.  In other words, we need to determine if our work is progressive or regressive in nature.  You are probably looking at today’s verse and going, I don’t see it and in a technical sense you would be correct.  Yet from a slightly different shade today’s verse is exactly what Paul and Barnabas were doing.  They were shaking the dust off of their feet in protest to those who were persecuting them.  Their protest was a way of saying the work we are doing  in this town is good, it is progressive.  At the same time it is their evaluation of those who are in opposition and they are saying, you are regressive and you are not in the right.  Beloved, we all need to, from time to time, stop what we are doing and evaluate the work.  We need to determine from an objective perspective whether what we are doing is moving us in the right direction or if it is moving us in the wrong direction.  At that point, we must react to the information.  We need to look at the dust on our feet and either wipe it off or keep walking.  This evaluation process can be painful if we learn we are not progressing, but are actually regressive in nature.  This evaluation process can be very joyous if we find we are progressing because we are on the right course.  Beloved, I would challenge you to take some personal time and evaluate your life.  Look at all aspects of your life.  Is your relationship with the Lord growing?  Is your relationship with your family on a progressive track?  Is your work situation one that is in line with your core values?  Are you getting enough personal time for recreation and fun?  Is your health in the place you think it ought to be?  These are just a few questions you need to ask of yourself on a regular basis.  Be mindful of the answers you give to yourself and then make adjustments if they are required.  Above all, don’t make excuses for areas of your life in which you determine to be in a regressive pattern.  Make necessary changes and move forward.

1. Do you regularly evaluate your life and ministry?
2. What are some things you have discovered from these evaluations?

Prayer: Father, when I enter into times of evaluation, please grant me Your incite to know how to properly interpret life events.  Let me learn from them and become a better servant of You.  Amen.

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