Friday, March 11, 2016

Easter is Just Around the Corner

Photo by Jack Wolf
On Monday I mentioned I was going to write about Easter every now and then in my blog posts.  Today, I am going to center all of my thoughts on Easter.  There are several things statistics tell us (I gleaned these truths from multiple podcasts from Rainer on Leadership) about Easter.  Let me give you two statistics which are similar regarding Christmas-Eve services and Easter services.  Christmas-Eve services are the highest attended services of people who have had no previous church affiliation.  In other words, the Christmas-Eve service is the service more lost people who have no church background are willing to attend than any other service throughout the year.  Easter is the second highest attended service, but those who typically come to it are those who did have a church background, but have left the church.

In either one of these situations, however, we are inviting people who more than likely do not have a relationship with the Lord.  In either one of these days we are more receptive to have someone respond with receptivity than on any other day throughout the year.  Let us not miss the opportunity this year.  Let us be intentional right now to begin inviting people to church.  You can always invite them this Sunday, but you can also begin prepping them for Easter.  Start the conversations now to get them thinking about it.  Invite them to lunch.  Offer to pick them up.  Do whatever you can to remove their excuses and to be receptive to your invitation.

I want you to keep this thought in mind as well as we approach Easter.  You have the message of eternal life.  Every person who dies without a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus is going to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.  If we examine the truth of this future reality, then we would not honestly want the most vile of person to go there.  We would rather have them enter into a relationship with Jesus and be transformed into a new creation.  Jesus is capable of performing this miraculous work.  The problem, and it is not really a problem, is Jesus uses us as His mouthpiece.  We are His ambassadors of reconciliation with a lost world.  We are the ones commissioned to go and to tell.  We have the most important message in all the world and Easter is the easiest time to share this message.

So, I only have one question?  Who will you invite to Easter service this year?

On another note, please don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend.  It is time to spring them forward and lose that one hour of sleep.  Make plans to be at church on time.

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