Monday, September 30, 2013

Three Visions From Which We Need To See

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1

In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 

Insights:  Yesterday we started our revival services.  Praise the Lord!  Sunday morning we had Ansley Laurie come to receive Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior!  What a tremendous way to start a revival service.  Each day this week in Thoughts by Scott I will give a brief recap of each of Brother Joe Mobley’s sermons.  On Sunday morning Brother Joe preached out of Isaiah 6:1-10 and he told us about the Three Visions From Which We Need To See. 

1.     We Need an Upward Vision of Holiness 

From this upward vision we are able to see God’s amazing love for us and His omnipotent power which enables us to worship Him.  The Seraphim, who are in God’s presence for all eternity, called out to one another “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory.” 

2.     We Need an Inward Vision of Hellishness 

Because of our Upward Vision we are capable of examining our true heart condition.  We are born in captivity to our sinful nature and only after seeing God’s holiness are we able to see our sinfulness and repent by receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  When Isaiah was confronted with a proper upward vision of God he spoke of himself, “Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.” 

3.     We Need an Outward Vision of Hopelessness 

After we have been redeemed we are then capable of seeing those around us and their need for a Savior.  We then are commissioned to go and tell them about Jesus our Lord.  After the Seraphim took the burning coal and cleansed Isaiah’s sinfulness God asked who would go into the world to share His love with the lost.  Isaiah responded, “Here am I; send me.” 

We need to get our vision checked and it all starts with the first point.  If we do not have a proper vision of God, then the next two steps are going to be messed up.  Seek the Lord with all your heart and let Him give you proper vision. 

  1. Have you come to see Jesus properly?
  2. Are you telling others about what you have seen?
Prayer: Father, fix my vision.  How often do I have my eyes on myself and my desires and not on You?  The answer is far too often.  Forgive me of this rebellious attitude and mold me into the image of Your Son, Jesus.  Because only from this proper vantage point will I be able to look around me and see with clarity the lost world.  Give me a burden for their eternal souls just as You have.  Amen.

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