Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We Rejoice because of God's Salvation, Part 2

Scripture: Exodus 18:11
"Now I know that the LORD is greater than all the gods; indeed, it was proven when they dealt proudly against the people."

InsightsThe gospel is so vitally important that I never want to take for granted that those reading these Thoughts by Scott are indeed born again.  I trust and often times speak that you have a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, but I also do not know who might stumble on to these pages.  I, therefore, have on occasion and will today go into more depth of the gospel.  Heaven is a free gift that God offers to His creation, you and me.  This gift cannot be earned or deserved.  It must be received.  At the same time for us to understand why we cannot earn or deserve it we need to understand a little more about ourselves.  All of humanity is sinners.  You are a sinner and I am a sinner.  Because of that sin we are all incapable of saving ourselves.  God’s standard for admission into His heavenly glory is perfection and one sin utterly destroys that possibility.  At the same time we need to understand God.  He is merciful and loving and therefore does not want to punish us.  At the same time, however, He is just and holy and therefore must punish sin.  So, how does God solve this apparent problem of His mercy and justice?  He solves it in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the infinite God-man.  He is fully God and fully man all at the same time.  He came to this earth and He DID live life perfectly and without sin.  Because He was perfect He was able to become our sacrifice for our sins.  For the Bible tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission, or removal, of sin.  Jesus took on Himself the punishment of God’s justice which was rightly for us and our sin.  He cast our sin as far away as the east is from the west and offers us eternal life with Him in heaven.  So, how do we receive that gift?  By faith and faith is not mere head-knowledge.  Nor is faith temporary in nature.  Faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation and eternal life.  This kind of faith is surrendering yourself to Jesus’ authority.  No longer do you have a say in the matter of your life choices.  You are to live obediently to Him and show your love for Him.  It is the greatest decision you will ever make.

  1. Have you received the salvation being offered to you by God?
  2. If you have not received this gift of salvation, then what is holding you back?
Prayer: Father, You were are so gracious to me.  Let me never take for granted Your gift of eternal life.  Continue to strengthen me to be bold in sharing the gospel with those who do not know You.  Amen.

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