Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Divine Consolation

Scripture: Jeremiah 32:37
"Behold, I will gather them out of all the lands to which I have driven them in My anger, in My wrath and in great indignation; and I will bring them back to this place and make them dwell in safety.

Insights: Yesterday I wrote briefly about Old Testament writings and how they can have historical implications, prophetic words about Jesus’ first coming, or prophetic words about Jesus’ second coming.  Today’s verse falls into that first category.  As I stated yesterday, Jeremiah was the prophet who wrote these words and he ministered before the exile to Babylon, but verse thirty-seven was written about after the exile.  So, it is a prophetic word, but one of those with historical implications. God did gather his people back to Jerusalem after His anger, wrath and indignation were appeased.  He did bring them back to Jerusalem and sent men like Ezra, Haggai and Nehemiah to have the temple and the walls rebuilt so that the people could dwell in safety.  In other words, God was providing relief to the children of Judah.  I am so grateful God is still a God of mercy.  As we mentioned yesterday, we all have a sin nature and if we will repent of our sins, God is faithful to forgive us.  At the same time, there may still be consequences to the sin.  For example, if a young boy and girl have sexual relations before they are married, then they have sinned.  If the girl happens to get pregnant, but then asks for God to forgive her of the sin, He will, but the consequences still remain.  Now, God can transform that consequence, in this case the child, into something beautiful, just like He turned the cross into something beautiful.  Let’s return back to the text: Judah sinned against God and the consequences were exile.  God, however, returned them from exile and made it beautiful with a new temple, wall and safety.  God brought relief when there seemed to be no aid coming.  God brought restoration, when no savior seemed present.  God still works like this today.  He will still bring salvation and relief.  All we have to do is cry out to Him and recognize by faith our need for a Savior and Lord.  This truth is amazing grace in its fullness.

  1. Are you grateful the God of history is still the God of today?
  2. What relief are you needing from the Lord today?
Prayer: Father, thank You that You are still active and involved in this world.  You continue to provide relief and comfort to those that belong to You when the turn their face to You.  Thank You.  Amen.

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