Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Promotions threaten Policies

Scripture: Nehemiah 5:15-16
But the former governors who were before me laid burdens on the people and took from them bread and wine besides forty shekels of silver; even their servants domineered the people. But I did not do so because of the fear of God. I also applied myself to the work on this wall; we did not buy any land, and all my servants were gathered there for the work.

Insights: The second major concern Nehemiah faced was policy changes.  Here is what I mean by policy changes.  You are not going to do things exactly like the last person before you did them.  Your predecessor did things in a fashion that does not match your skill set and vice versa.  Specifically in regards to Nehemiah there were three things the previous governors did that Nehemiah knew needed to be changed.  First, the previous governors overtaxed the people.  We see this truth in the phrase “laid burdens on the people.”  Second, the previous governors took bribes for governmental sanctions.  We see this truth in the phrase, “took from them bread and wine besides forty shekels of silver.”  Finally, the previous governors promoted their friends into positions of influence.  We see this truth in the phrase, “even their servants domineered the people.”  Do these three attributes of government sound familiar to twenty-first century American politics?  Nehemiah said these previous policies must go.  Notice verse fifteen states, “But I did not do so because of the fear of God.”  Nehemiah is going to be a blessing to his constituents and he is not going to participate in these evil practices.  One of the interesting things about human nature, however, is the resistance to change.  Unless the idea for change is your idea, you are more than likely going to oppose the change.  Not all change is good, but change, whatever it may be, is often resisted.  The reason change is resisted is because people at least know how to handle what they are presently facing.  Change moves them into the realm of the unknown and people are often times frightened of what they don’t know.  Chuck Swindoll writing about these verses points out the extreme pressure Nehemiah must have been under by his advisors because of his rattling of the cages.  Nehemiah constantly heard the age old, “It has always been done this way” or the “It has never been done like this before” chants from his advisors.  Leaders must hear these words and stay focused to the task.  Verse sixteen shows us Nehemiah stayed focused on the rebuilding of the wall as he changed these policies.

  1. What policies or procedures do you need to change as a result of your promotion?
  2. Have you experienced the pressure to maintain the status quo?
Prayer: Lord, You have blessed me with this position to change situations and to be a blessing to those around me.  Grant me Your favor and strength as I walk obediently with You. Amen.

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