Friday, March 15, 2013

Promotions affect People

Scripture: Nehemiah 5:18-19
Now that which was prepared for each day was one ox and six choice sheep, also birds were prepared for me; and once in ten days all sorts of wine were furnished in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the governor's food allowance, because the servitude was heavy on this people.  Remember me, O my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.

Insights: The fourth major concern Nehemiah faced was the people affected by his promotion.  Earlier in the week I mentioned that two times Nehemiah made reference to not eating the food allowance which was given to the governor.  In verse eighteen we are told the reason for his refusal to accept such a privilege at that time.  It was because it would have added a heavy burden to the people under his care.  When we accept promotions it will place people under us and we need to make certain we lead them in such a fashion that does not over burden them.  In other words, our pace of leadership may need to be slowed down at times and at other times picked up.  We need to lead at the appropriate pace where we are just far enough in front that the people can see us closely, but not so far in front that they get scared or discouraged and feel like giving up.  Let me close this week with the motivating force behind Nehemiah’s leadership style.  He was concerned about the people because of his relationship with His God.  Back in verse fifteen the last few words read, “I did not do so because of the fear of God.”  The “I did not do so” was in reference to all the policies of the previous governors that added to the peoples already burdened lives.  Now we see him again refusing to accept his food privileges because of the burden it would have caused the people.  Then we move into verse nineteen and we see Nehemiah offering up a prayer to God and it is basically a prayer of examination.  It is as if Nehemiah is praying, “God, because of my fear of You and my desire to lead Your people well, please examine my leadership and tell me if I have acted properly for Your glory.”  Everything we do in the horizontal axis of this world and the relationships we have with other people ought to be driven by the vertical axis we have with the Lord God.  Beloved, I pray you seek the Lord first and then lead.

  1. At what pass are you leading those under your supervision?
  2. Is your relationship with the Father motivating you to be a better servant leader?
Prayer: Lord, at the end of the day it is because of my relationship with You that motivates me to be a godly leader for those under my care.  Help me to affect their lives in a positive way. Amen.

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