Thursday, May 28, 2015

Paul's Example FOR You is Exciting

Scripture: Philippians 2:17-18
But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.  You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me.

Insights:  We conclude this week’s Thoughts by Scott with Paul’s example of exciting joy-filled worship to our Lord.  You will recall last week I mentioned that chapter two is Paul giving examples to the reading audience about the truths he had taught them in chapter one.  Last week we looked at the first example and that was Jesus.  Paul now tells his readers to also look at his example as well.  His life was poured out as a drink offering before the Lord.  In other words, every last drop of Paul was spent for the service of His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Paul urges his reading audience to rejoice in the same way he is as they share in his joy with them.  Remember Beloved, throughout this book joy and excitement are being used interchangeably.  Paul is talking about worship that is joyful and exciting.  He is telling his audience the only way they will experience such worship is to give it all to God.  There is no room for exciting worship that is held back for another time.  All of it must be poured out to God and then He is pleased.  Beloved, let us live such a life before a watching world, and as we learned yesterday, let us shine as lights in this dark sinful world. 

1.  Does Paul’s example encourage you to worship more excitingly and joyfully?
2.  Is there anything holding you back from following Paul’s example?

Prayer: Father, let my prayer be Lord that my life is a drink offering poured out for You.  Lord, I want every bit of my life to honor and glorify You.  Let every drop of my life be pleasing in Your sight, O’ Lord. Amen.

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