Monday, May 5, 2014

You Will Encounter Stone Throwers in Your Life

Scripture: 2 Samuel 16:5-7
When King David came to Bahurim, behold, there came out from there a man of the family of the house of Saul whose name was Shimei, the son of Gera; he came out cursing continually as he came. He threw stones at David and at all the servants of King David; and all the people and all the mighty men were at his right hand and at his left. Thus Shimei said when he cursed, "Get out, get out, you man of bloodshed, and worthless fellow!

Insights: You will recall the childhood nursery rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  You also know just how much of a lie that little rhyme is.  To set the scene very briefly for you in regards to today’s verses, David is fleeing Jerusalem.  His son, Absalom, has committed a coupe and is marching on Jerusalem.  David is fleeing Jerusalem in order to save lives because if he remains, many will die.  David is, therefore, being escorted out of town by his mighty men and along the way they encounter Shimei and he throws literal stones at David.  I, however, don’t think those stones hurt David nearly as much as the words spoken by Shimei.  He called David a worthless fellow.  Beloved, what I want you to understand from these verses today is that you will encounter stone throwers in your life.  If you have never experienced, then just wait, because it is going to happen.  It is impossible to live on this side of eternity and not have people cast stones at you with their words.  These moments are incredibly painful.  It is my hope; however, that as we proceed through this week’s lessons from this passage that you will be comforted and strengthened in the Lord.  Even though we know we will be hit with verbal stones, doesn’t diminish the pain.  It does, however, help us prepare for our response to it when it does come.  Beloved, return back throughout this week and learn how to handle such attacks in your life.

  1. Have you been hit by stone throwers in recent days?
  2. When you wear hit, how did you respond?

Prayer: Father, when people throw stones at me, it hurts.  I pray for Your protection of my heart in moments of this kind.  Help me to learn the lessons which come out of this passage in which we will learn this week.  Grow me to the point I follow the Biblical response to stone throwers and may You be brought glory as a result of such obedience.  Amen.

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