Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Are You Experiencing a Drought in Your Life?

Scripture: 2 Samuel 23:13
Then three of the thirty chief men went down and came to David in the harvest time to the cave of Adullam, while the troop of the Philistines was camping in the valley of Rephaim.

Insights: At this point in the history of Israel David has just become king of Judah.  At this particular point he is battling against the Philistines and he and his men are at the cave of Adullam.  Now, theologians tell us that during the harvest time the cisterns, which are cut out of caves, dry up and a drought type condition begins to set in on the land.  Now, that is the physical reality of David’s situation, but it got me to thinking about some of the different life experiences we often times encounter in our lives.  One of those types of experiences we sometimes experience is spiritual droughts in our lives.  In these droughts we just are dry and barren.  We are incapable of hearing anything from the Lord.  Let me tell, the normal reason we find ourselves in these seasons of droughts is because we quit spending time with Jesus and reading His Word, the Bible.  We then stop spending time with the Body of Christ, the church, and wonder why our lives are so difficult and hard.  I would submit that in many cases it is because we are in a spiritual drought and in desperate need for Jesus to fill our cisterns with His life giving water.  Let me encourage you to run to Jesus if you have found yourself in this spiritual drought.  Let Him fill you full and restore to you the joy of your salvation.

  1. Are you experiencing a drought in your life?
  2. Are you running to Jesus to let Him fill your spiritual cistern?

Prayer: Father, how many times in my life have I been in a drought?  Thank You that You are the One that fills my cistern and offers me to drink from the water of life found in Jesus.  Amen.

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