Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our Position is Humility

Scripture: Job 42:4
'Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me.'

Insights: Today we move from looking at perspective to observing our position before the Lord.  In other words, because God’s perspective is perfect and ours is imperfect we have no choice but to recognize His superiority over us.  From this realization we come to the fact that for us to grow and mature, we must humble ourselves before the Lord.  Remember, up to this point when God speaks to Job, Job has been rather boisterous in his claim of innocence.  He has basically stated God has been unjust for allowing these calamities to fall on him.  After his encounter with the Lord, however, his tone of speech and posture and position before the Lord radically changes.  Job is now humbled by the Lord and one can picture Job in a prostrate position before the Lord crying out to Him saying, “Lord, instruct me, teach me, I realize I know nothing in comparison to You.  Change my heart and mind to be in compliance and in accord with You.”  God is the only One with the Words of life.  We must humble ourselves, Beloved, and seek hard after the Lord.  If we will enter into our relationship with the Father from this position, I promise you, God will instruct and speak to you.  It is His desire for His children to trust Him and that can only happen from one who is truly humble before the living Lord.

  1. Are you humble before the Lord?
  2. In your position of humility, what has the Lord revealed to you in recent days?

Prayer: Father, thank You for instructing me.  I understand the only true posture for us to be able to hear what You have to say to us in the posture of bowing.  You speak to the humble at heart.  Lord, soften my heart and mold me into the image of Your Son, Jesus, so that I may hear from You.  Open my ears Lord, I want to know You.  Amen.

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