Friday, February 7, 2014

God's Position is Holy

Scripture: Job 42:5
"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You;

Insights: Tomorrow we will explain what the proper response to an encounter with God is, but until then, we have one more foundational block to lie down.  In today’s verse we see that Job had heard about God, but he had not actually experienced His presence.  Now, however, he has seen the Lord and that encounter changed everything in Job’s life.  From this point on Job truly understands holiness.  He has seen the glory of the Lord and recognizes God’s holiness and God’s presence is far greater than he had previously imagined.  What we need to understand is that God calls us to holiness.  We, however, are incapable of living out holiness properly.  It is God; therefore, that imputes Christ’s holiness into our lives.  In other words, when the Lord God sees us living out holiness, what He is actually seeing is the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in our lives and empowering us to be holy.  God is seeing Christ in us.  Beloved, the only reason we are able to see God and recognize His holiness and the only reason we are able to have holiness imputed into our lives is because of the truth we learned Wednesday.  In other words, because our position is humility, we are able to see God’s position of holiness.  Because of our humble position, Jesus is able to do a work in our lives and fill us with His holiness.  It is from this perspective that we are able to respond to an encounter with the Lord properly.  I look forward to sharing this final truth with you tomorrow.  God bless you this weekend and may you worship the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength this coming Lord’s Day.

  1. Have you seen God and His holiness?
  2. Is there anything in your life preventing you from growing deeper in your relationship with the Lord?

Prayer: Father, thank You for letting me know you more and more.  Help me to live a holy life because You are holy and have called me to holiness.  Let me realize that my holiness is really Your holiness imputed into my life.  May my obedience to You and Your will bring You glory.  Amen.

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