Monday, September 24, 2012

Is Happiness Everything?

Scripture: Matthew 5:3-5
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.  "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Insights: We live in a world that is fixated on happiness.  If you are not happy at work, find another job.  If you are not happy with a product, go buy another.  If you are still not happy, go purchase a third and so on.  If you are not happy in your marriage, trade him or her in for a newer model.  We are no different in the church.  If we are not happy, then let’s either get rid of the pastor or let’s move on to greener pastures ourselves.  I cannot tell you the numbers of times I hear people say about their church, “I am just not happy at my church.”  They then go into a litany of why their “needs” are not being met.  Today’s verses are part of what is known as the B-attitudes.  And blessed could be translated as happy.  Notice with me the biblical understanding of happiness flies in the face of our modern societal norms.  It is the poor in spirit who are happy because they recognize their absolute utter dependence on God.  We have done this church thing so long, we actually think we know how to do it better than Him and in that state we are not humble before this great King.  The next area in which Jesus described happiness was in mourning.  Mourning is found in pain and hurt.  We again live in a society that does not want to experience pain or sorrow; at least I don’t want to experience pain and sorrow.  So, we do everything we can to alleviate the mourning process of individuals.  We medicate them to dullness, we psychoanalyze them till it is their parents fault, we entertain them to distract and the entire time what the person ultimately needs is to grieve and be mournful in order for God to step in and do true healing of the heart and restore joy.  A third area in which we seek happiness is in our consumer mentality.  We want it our way and we want it now.  Yet Jesus said the meek were happy.  Meekness is controlled strength.  In other words, the meek person actually has the power to get it their way and get it right now, but instead say, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”  The meek person’s happiness is not found is self-gratification, but in surrender to the Lordship of God.  Beloved, seek true happiness in Jesus.

  1. Are you pursuing earthly happiness?
  2. Are you finding true pleasure in the Lord?
Prayer: Father, forgive me when I chase after the flashing lights of this world to fill the void in me that only You can satisfy.  Let my happiness be transformed into eternal joy that overflows into all areas of my life.  Amen. 

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