Monday, April 9, 2012

Gone with the Wind

Disclaimer: The premise for the thoughts this week we originally heard at the Alabama Evangelism Conference during a sermon delivered by Phil Hoskins.

Scripture: Acts 2:23-24
this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.  But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

Insights:  Yesterday we celebrated Easter!  Today’s verses give a quick synopsis of this historical moment between Eternity and humanity.  This singular act of love changed everything on earth and throughout all time.  If we have truly encountered Jesus Christ, the One who rose Easter morning, then we know the indescribable joy and peace we have experienced.  Let me attempt to explain briefly what has happened in our lives if we have received the free gift of salvation found in Christ Jesus.  God is a Triune community in and of Himself.  In other words, God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  He is One, but manifests His essence in three unique characters.  It is, however, important to understand that God is not three gods.  He is One God!  So, God the Father commissioned His Son, God the Son, to come to earth to pay the price we could not pay for our salvation and He died on the cross of Calvary.  He rose again on Easter morning and then walked among His disciples for an additional forty days.  In Acts 1 Jesus is getting ready to commission His disciples and He tells them to "Wait for what the Father had promised.”  Jesus is referring back to John 14:16 which states, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.”  The other Helper is the Holy Spirit.  Jesus has just told His disciples to go and wait for the Holy Spirit to come fully upon them.  In other words, do not go and witness or preach or plant churches in your own power.  Rather, wait on the Holy Spirit and let His power change everything.  The reason the Holy Spirit changes everything is because when we receive the gift of salvation found only in Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in us.  We feel His presence.  We recognize His voice.  We experience His comfort, peace and joy.  We are empowered from on high.  The rest of this week is going to be a look at four things that happen in our lives as a result of the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in our lives.  Beloved, let’s live surrendered to His will.

  1. Have you received the gift of salvation offered by Christ Jesus?
  2. Are you living fully under the control of the Holy Spirit?                              
Prayer: Father, thank You for enduing me with the Holy Spirit.  Make my life evidential of such a change.  May I never take for granted the cost You paid for me to have such a life in You.  Amen.  

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