Monday, March 19, 2012

God is at Work in the World

Scripture: Matthew 21:33a-f
“Listen to another parable: There was a man, a landowner, who planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a winepress in it, and built a watchtower.

Insights:  It would not take someone very long to read these blogs or listen to me preach and teach to recognize that Henry Blackaby has had a major impact on my life.  I mention him because the point I want you to gather this morning is straight from his material Experiencing God.  If you have never gone through that material, please take this admonishment to do so seriously.  Blackaby has a picture diagram of the cycle of co-laboring unity between God and His children.  The very first point in that diagram is God is always at work.  In today’s verses we read the beginning of the parable and we have a man who is a landowner.  Now in a parable what we have are parts which represent other parts.  In this case the landowner is God the Father.  I want you to notice that God is working in the world.  He planted the vineyard.  He put a fence around the vineyard.  He dug a winepress and He built a watchtower.  God did not just wind up creation like a clock and let it go.  He is actively involved in the world.  He orchestrates events in such a fashion to bring about glory for Himself.  It is important to recognize God’s activity because it is in our recognition we are able to understand He is inviting us to join Him in His work (we will talk more about this aspect tomorrow).  Another thing to keep in mind about God’s involvement in the world is that no other god is like our God.  For example, Allah is too self-absorbed to even consider the activities of mankind.  He does nothing to let his followers know he desires a relationship with them.  The reason he does nothing relational with his followers is because he is not concerned about them.  Our God, on the other hand, is very much working, displaying and drawing humanity to Himself.  He is a relational God who wants to redeem a people for Himself.  Open your eyes, Beloved, and observe God’s activity in your world.

  1. Are you spiritually sensitive to recognize God’s work which is going on around you?
  2. Do you actively thank God for His involvement in your world? 
Prayer: Mighty God, thank You that You are always at work in the world.  Increase my faith and help me to recognize Your activity and then increase my courage to join You.  Amen.  

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