Friday, April 1, 2016

Jesus’ Resurrection resulted in Mixed Responses

Photo by Allan
Scripture: Luke 24:11-12
But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them.  But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings only; and he went away to his home, marveling at what had happened.

Insights: Unfortunately in this world there are always going to be skeptics and cynics.  It is just a fact of life.  I had a conversation last week with a man who had bought into the Dan Brown DaVinci Code idea and believed Jesus had married and procreated children.  I would put this gentleman in the category of a skeptic and doubter of the authenticity of the Scriptures.  For some people they have become so intellectually invested that they believe Christian faith is beneath them.  There are some people who have been so hurt by the pains of this world that they doubt the existence of an all powerful God.  There are still numerous other reasons people don’t the existence and power of God.  I would put the disciples on this day as those who have experienced intense pain to such a degree they find faith hard to grasp.  Yet, look at  Peter.  He had denied Jesus three times just a few days earlier and now he is running to the tomb.  He went to his house marveling.  I think Peter is believing in the power of the resurrection.  I think he has heard the proclamation of the women and he believes.  Whenever we share the Good News these two responses are going to be found.  There are those who will not receive Jesus’ free gift and there are those who will.  Now, when someone rejects Jesus’ gift, do not cast them off as being eternally reprobate.  Rather, trust the Holy Spirit to continue doing a work in their lives.  Trust Him to give you future opportunities to share.  Trust Him to change their hearts.  Trust Him to take their lives through the difficult days which will prepare them for the day in which they will be receptive to the gospel.  I want you to remember, that even though (in this account of Luke) Peter is the only one who runs to the tomb, that eventually all eleven of them come to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.  Praise the Lord He did not give up on them.  Let us not give up on people either.  Let us not be surprised when they reject the gospel either.  Let us be aware both responses are possible, but we will keep praying and sharing.  

1. Would you characterize your life as one of faith or skepticism?
2. In what ways are you running to Jesus to prove your faith?

Prayer: Father, forgive me for the times I have doubted Your goodness and grace.  Help me to be a person of faith and to believe in the possibilities found in You.  Amen.

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