Friday, February 5, 2016

We Leave the Results to the Lord

Scripture: Acts 13:12
Then the proconsul believed when he saw what had happened, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord.

Insights: Our final step this week is to leave the results to the Lord.  So many of us in this world are task oriented.  We want to make things happen and I believe God wires us this way.  I do not, however, think God wires us this way to the detriment of our dependence on Him.  In other words, we cannot manufacture life change.  No one comes to the Son unless the Father first draws him (John 6:44).  Unfortunately, our methodology implies and often reveals we do not really trust the Lord, but rather we trust in our sales techniques.  This kind of life is a very dangerous place to be as a follower of Jesus.  In my personal quiet times at the moment I am reading through the book of Ezekiel and throughout that book (in all most every chapter) God says, “then they will know I am the Lord.”  They had become so dependent on themselves that they really did not expect God to show up.  When God finally does, He declares, “Now that I have acted, you will know I am the Lord.”  I fear we are living in an age in the church of the United States where God is going to show up and say to us, “Now you will know I am the Lord.”  We give Him lip service, but not faith.  We give Him time, but not devotion.  We give Him finances, but not all of it.  We are playing the role of God and we are the ones dictating the results.  Oh, how foolish we are.  God will work events to His good end and He will bring about the results He desires.  May we be faithful to walk with Him hand in hand and trust Him to do His good will in the midst of our lives.  Beloved, the sooner we get our lives to this point, the better off we will be.  May this calendar year of 2016 be the year we truly learn to depend on the Lord for the results in our lives and in our ministry.  May He be glorified.

1. Are you trying to manipulate the results?
2. In what way does your life give evidence to your dependence on God to bring about the results of grace?

Prayer: Father, thank You I do not have to generate the results.  I am able to trust You to bring about Your good grace and will.  You have commissioned me to plant the seed, but You do everything else in the growth process.  Help me to be dependent on Your goodness and love.  Amen.

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