Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Worship that is Relevant Focuses on the Paraclete, NOT the Person

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.

Insights:  You may be reading today’s verse and saying to yourself, “Scott, I don’t see anything in this passage about the Holy Spirit.”  If you are thinking such a thought, then you would be correct in a technical sense of the word.  But I would contend with you that if your focus is on prayer, then the Holy Spirit is at work in your life.  I would also contend that the more you worship the Lord, the more you are able to recognize the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your life.  The more you recognize His promptings, because you are worshipping Him, the more you are able to pray.  The more you are able to pray, the more you are able to recognize God’s answers to your prayers.  The more you recognize God’s answers to your prayers, the more your prayers change and become God centered and focused.  One of the ways this process I have just written about takes place is because our focus has changed because of the Spirit’s work in our lives.  Because we have this changed focus we are able to make sound judgment decisions and our spirit is sober in the sense of focus.  What I mean by a sober spirit is not a lack of emotionalism, but rather that we are controlled and under the authority of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Throughout Scripture, and in life experience, we are able to observe that people who are not under the control and authority of the Holy Spirit, make poor decisions.  These choices are more often than not self-serving and personally driven.  Those personally focused decisions are often times driven by our past which we have discussed the past two days.  When we have that kind of focus, then we are not able to properly worship the Lord because He is not the central area on which our eyes are directed.  Let me encourage you, Beloved, to surrender to the Holy Spirit and turn your eyes on Him and the thing with which He is concerned.  As He gives promptings, quickly obey Him and you will be amazed at how your life will radically change.  This change does not mean you won’t have problems, but what it does mean is that there is One who walks with you that has already overcome this world and it’s obstacles.  Focus on the Holy Spirit’s work in you life as you worship Him and you won’ regret it.

1.  Are you focusing on you and your problems?
2.  Have you experienced the incredible peace that comes from focusing on the Holy Spirit and His work in your life?

Prayer: Father, thank You that You have given me Your Spirit to dwell within me.  He convicts me of sin and righteousness.  He also judges my spirit rightly.  As a result of this relationship I am able to worship in the midst of the storm.  Thank You for this grace.  Amen.

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