Wednesday, April 5, 2017

God Expects His Children to Work

Photo by Morshad Alam
Ought to have been April 3, 2017

Scripture: Matthew 21:28
“But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go work today in the vineyard.’

Insights: This week we are looking at the parable of the two sons.  In order to fully grasp this parable we must understand its context in the scheme of the chapter.  The day before Jesus had entered into Jerusalem and cleaned out the temple of the money changers.  On this day He arrives back in the temple, after having cursed the fig tree, and He is engaged into a conversation by the religious leaders.  They ask Him by what authority He does what He does.  He asks them a question in return regarding John the Baptist and they refuse to answer.  It is on the hills of that conversation Jesus gives this parable which is about choice.  He then tells another parable right after about the vineyard owner and his workers who kill the son.  In that parable Jesus is, in essence, telling the religious leaders He knows what choice they have made and it is against Him.  We have the same choices today.  So, let us look over this week more fully into the parable of the two sons.  Today we observe in the verse the Lord requires His children to work.  Look what the father says to the son, “Son, go work . . . .”  Beloved, if you are truly born again and belong to the Father because of the work of the Son, Jesus Christ, then you are called and commissioned to work and serve Him.  You do, however, have free will and you can rebel against this relational harmony between parent and child and that is about what this parable addresses.  The parable does not go into the pleasure and joy of the work, but I would like for just a moment to mention it.  Our work for the Lord is not burdensome or heavy-laden.  In fact, our work produces within us a great deal of satisfaction and joy.  Our work also brings the Lord glory which He rightly deserves.  Beloved, let me challenge you to choose service to your Father above.  You will be amazed at the overflow of joy you experience in Him as a result.

 1. In what ways are you working for the Lord?
 2. Does your work bring you satisfaction?

Prayer: Father, thank You for me the opportunity to work.  I have the privilege of serving You.  All too often I do not see my labor as a blessing, but You often remind me of this truth and I am grateful.  May my work ministry bring You glory.  Amen.

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